
How To Completely Start Over In A New Niche

Sometimes you need a change of pace. That’s especially true in e-commerce, where market trends or consumer preferences can change in a heartbeat. Whether your online business has been underperforming or you’re eager to capture a new audience, you might be...

Why You Need Instagram in Your E-Commerce Marketing Strategy

It used to be taboo to advertise on Instagram. People wanted to have fun, not be sold to, so brands have traditionally focused on content marketing. As a highly visual platform, Instagram was a great choice for that. However, the tide is changing. More consumers...

Shopify for eCommerce: Why is everyone is using it?

Shopify has taken eCommerce by storm. If there is a go-to platform for eCommerce, it’s Shopify, as it approaches a staggering 2 million online stores. Sellers across an enormous range of products are using Shopify with more joining their ranks every day. Why does it...

Creating The Best Chatbot For Customer Service

Artificial intelligence in movies are always some kind of computer program that breaks into other machines while planning cunning schemes. Yet in reality, AI are just systems which perform tasks we design them for, such as identifying people by the shapes of their...