
Greetings from Our Founder

EGROWTHIFY NEXUS (EGNX) was founded with one question in mind: how can we build a platform where talents come to grow and prosper?

I believe in abundance, and I want every talent to be given a chance to grow to their true potential.

In case you haven’t realized, this is the best time in all human history to be alive! There have never been more opportunities and possibilities for us to achieve great success both personal and financially.

Having experienced first-hand, the magnitude of ecommerce, which enables me to turn life around from almost losing everything to a prosperous growth, I have come to acknowledge that success is actually within reach!

Thanks to the internet and ever improving tech infrastructure, the fast-track to success is now yours for the taking. Conventional business growth process has been defied and disrupted. Which is a good thing!

We at EGNX are a testament that by leveraging on the power of internet and digital marketing, we are able to  serve customers globally from the comfort of our office here in Malaysia, and being rewarded financially in the process.

Let’s embark on the fun journey towards YOUR success by tapping into the abundant world of the internet, building a thriving online business that you are proud of. Take full advantage of this fertile environment and become everything you are capable of becoming.

To growth,

– Jacksion Yang