
How To Completely Start Over In A New Niche

Sometimes you need a change of pace. That’s especially true in e-commerce, where market trends or consumer preferences can change in a heartbeat. Whether your online business has been underperforming or you’re eager to capture a new audience, you might be...

How To Avoid DMCA Takedowns

Did you know that copyright owners don’t actually need to register their copyright with the US Copyright Office? Many do so of course because they want to have that formal record, but in fact everything that someone creates is automatically owned by them under...

Why You Need Instagram in Your E-Commerce Marketing Strategy

It used to be taboo to advertise on Instagram. People wanted to have fun, not be sold to, so brands have traditionally focused on content marketing. As a highly visual platform, Instagram was a great choice for that. However, the tide is changing. More consumers...

Going Green For Online Selling: Why you should be doing it

eCommerce has seen incredible popularity in the past few years. This widespread growth has driven many eCommerce sellers to become green brands. Should you consider becoming an eco-friendly brand? What is “green eCommerce”? Green eCommerce, also called sustainable,...